What is Hardware Acceleration?

Hardware acceleration is the process of delegating an operation of computing from your computer’s software to hardware components that are specifically designed for the task. The goal of this is to improve either speed or performance, but usually both, of the application in question. Hardware acceleration can take a difficult task that normally would require your CPU, and then delegate it to an hardware component that is a master of a particular trade but can do it with ease that can in turn reduce processing time and increase performance.

Hardware acceleration is utilized in video editing/rendering software to offload complex processes like 3D rendering and complicated animations from the central processor to dedicated graphics processors. This allows the GPU to perform these tasks faster and more efficiently than the CPU. Overall program performance is enhanced.

The same principle is utilized in web browsers. Most of http://silminds.com/silax-arch/ them use hardware acceleration as their default. This allows for better loading times for pages smoother animations as well as higher framerates in games. It also reduces the use of CPU on mobile devices, and also saves energy.

However, this may come with some disadvantages as well. For instance, if you find that your computer has trouble handling the demands of hardware acceleration (often described as lag) If this is the case, you might be able to turn it off. To do this, launch Chrome and type chrome://flags into your address bar. Move the Override Software Rendering slider to None. You might be asked to restart your browser. Daisy is a Senior Editor at EaseUS and has been writing for over 10 years.


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